Sunday, October 17, 2010

Our first sight of Radha Kunda

Today was quite a day. First off Kavitha, Jaya Sita and I missed the 7:30 bus to Radha Kunda because it was stuffed to the max before we made it there. Not wanting to miss our last chance to Radha Kunda for the disappearance festival of Bhakti Swarup Damodar Maharaja, Kavitha and I sat on the bus for an hour and a half waiting its departure. Just 15 minutes prior to take off, I decided to take her bag to temple, fill her water bottle and get a maha treat. Uh oh. When I came back to the bus it was gone gone gone. I looked up and down the street, shrugged my shoulders and thought, 'I am in India...' Actually, it was quite humorous for me. I was trying to go to Radha Kunda anyway, the most sacred place in the universe. How could I expect it to be a piece of cake? But I could only stand for a moment before the sweetest family popped out of no where in the same situation. The mom is Indian but looks just like JLo! Within seconds an auto-rickshaw puttered up, prices where negotiated, and the group of us along with 2 other ladies squeezed in for 30 rupees each, about 70 cents. At one point a Vietnamese devotee and myself bumped heads so hard my brain had to pretty much start over from scratch. Perfect for visiting Radha Kunda! After that me and one of the little girls jumped in the back, held on for dear life, and watched the field after field pass by us. Braja is glowing. This is such a great time of year, and everything is simply gorgeous.
The best is yet to come...give me a few days. =)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelly, I am glad that you are in Vrindavana. You are a wonderful story-teller and a good photographer. I am enjoying reading about your experiences. Pictures are great!
    (BTW if you dont remember me, which is quite possible as we have met only a few times, I am an Indian grad student who visits Krishna House on Fridays. I got to this link from today's facebook post of Krishna Lunch.)

    Take Care
    Jasjit Deol
